Muter outdoor fund
engaging new audiences with Michigan's
rich outdoor heritage

John A. Muter Memorial Scholarship

The John A. Muter Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the late John Muter, an avid Michigan sportsman, who passed away in 2016 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. John loved to hunt, fish, camp and share his outdoor experiences with family, friends, and others. John was always taking new hunters and new anglers under his wing, passing on his knowledge and enthusiasm as he introduced them to his favorite pastimes around the Great Lakes State.
This award recognizes college sophomores and juniors who have demonstrated a
commitment to engaging new audiences and/or new generations with Michigan’s natural resources and rich outdoor heritage, including but not limited to fishing, hunting, camping, boating, and wildlife watching.
2025 Scholarship Application Cycle: NOW OPEN!
We expect to award several scholarships in 2025. To apply, email your completed application and a current resume to muteroutdoorfund@gmail.com.
DEADLINE: 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
If you have any questions about the John A. Muter Memorial Scholarship, please contact us at muteroutdoorfund@gmail.com.